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The unity of shamatha and vipashyana
What does it mean to practice shamatha and vipashyana together? Shamatha involves letting the mind rest on an object in a state of...
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Stages of Enlightenment
It is very difficult to speak of enlightenment with detail or precision. Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Taoists, Sufis, and Jewish...
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Understanding the qualities of the mind is essential to mahamudra practice, a kind of meditation that points to the emptiness of all...
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The Power of Group Meditation
Meditation has numerous benefits that it's become a lot more prominent than ever. Health, wellness, as well as mental processes enhance...
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The importance of “Meditation” in Astrology and life.
The main point behind “spirituality” is to find yourself. We must honor everyone has their own “self” they contend with. A person who...
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