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Taking Care of the Present Moment
‘Do you know who you are fully, right now, in this moment? That is the question. That is what mindfulness is all about, because this...
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Healing the Mind
Just as we heal the body and the heart through awareness, so can we heal the mind. Just as we learn about the nature and rhythm of...
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Treat Everyone as the Buddha
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche As a Buddhist teacher, I am often asked questions about meditation and profound Buddhist principles, like...
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Deep Seeing
by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche When things work out the way we think they should, we call it a good day. We feel successful when we can make...
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Integrating Spiritual Practice
‘When I first encountered Zen in the 1960s, I found myself particularly drawn to the mysterious satori - that moment of seeing into one’s...
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‘Why do we meditate? This is a question we’d be wise to ask. Why would we even bother to spend time alone with ourselves? First of all,...
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When the Retreat is Over
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Let’s start with what people can do to support and cultivate the insights they’ve gained on retreat once the...
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Why Should I Meditate?
by Venerable Matthieu Ricard Take an honest look at yourself. Where are you in your life? What have your priorities been up till now and...
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When we practice Dharma
When we practice dharma, we should check if we have generated bodhichitta or not, day and night. We should check whether the practice of...
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The Spiritual Meaning of the Lotus Flower
Buddhism: Â With its roots in the mud, the lotus rises through the murky water to blossom clean and bright, symbolizing to the Buddhist...
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It is entirely up to us
by Ribur Rinpoche Following the self-cherishing mind is the source of all our suffering. We need to identify that self-cherishing mind...
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Mantras are like a calming breeze that sweeps through our brains and give us relief from the mental destruction and defeating patterns...
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The Soul of Things
by Nishu Mathur Listen more often To the earth, rocks and grass The roots of trees that go deep inside And whisper of the past Listen to...
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Rich Generosity
by Venerable Sheng Yen When a candle is lit in a dark room, it illuminates the room to some extent, but its power is limited. But if you...
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The Art of Impermanence
by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje I had a powerful experience with impermanence when I was around 8 or 9. At the...
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The Mind
by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche Without the mind, nothing can have any meaning for us. Our mind does not create and direct everything in...
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Zen Reflection
Zen Reflection is likewise called Zazen, which in Japanese means sitting zen or seated meditation. It is thought to have its beginnings...
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The Need for Dualistic Practice
Why do we need dualistic practices, such as generating merit, to reach a state that transcends duality? Because we have to start from...
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An Introduction To Buddhism
by Chogye Trichen Rinpoche This is a teaching about the importance of cultivating positive emotions such as loving kindness and...
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Awareness, Breathing and Compassion: The ABCs of Mindfulness
In The Sound of Music, Fraulein Maria sang, “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start, when you read you begin A B...
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