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Yoga Nidra-Intention (Sankalpa)
By Alexandra Juryte We often carry agendas around with us, shaping, supporting or arguing against what we think, feel and do in the...
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The Healing Power of Forgiveness
Throughout our lives we meet many people, some who we hold very close to our hearts and some who hurt us on every level. In some cases,...
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Meditation for Anxiety
By Alexandra Juryte To practice this guided meditation, sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight and your head level and...
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Interview: Nancy Candea
By Alexandra Juryte An activist in the global health revolution, Nancy is committed to practicing the best version of herself every day,...
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Equanimity vs Indifference
by Jack Kornfield The near enemy of equanimity is indifference or callousness. We may appear serene if we say, “I’m not attached. It...
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A moment of direct pristine awareness
The Buddha’s plan went far beyond learning to become “okay.” His aim was for us to become Buddhas: to awaken our capacity to approach...
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Why Surrender Is Good For Us
What does it mean to surrender? Many people believe that the concept of surrendering is to give up and lose all hope and faith, when in...
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The Bodhisattva Attitude
We all have an attitude, says Zen teacher Norman Fischer, our own way of approaching life. You can start to take a Bodhisattva’s attitude...
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Meditating on the Mind Itself
A teaching on the practice of Mahamudra by the late Kagyu master Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche. According to the Buddhist Mahayana tradition,...
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Vajrayana Buddhism: The Blissful Drum
In the seventh century, a major movement within Mahayana Buddhism arose. This form of Buddhism, called the Vajrayana, is most prominent...
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Our window of grasping at “me” and “mine”
When we gaze out through our own window of grasping at “me” and “mine”, we experience everything as if it were being projected onto our...
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Be honest with yourself
What is important to understand is that the view you have of yourself and the view you have of your environment are based on your own...
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The Essence of the Path
To my Lord of Dharma, peerless, kind My glorious Lama, homage! His lotus feet I place Upon my chakra of great bliss. Here is my advice,...
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Being aware of thoughts as they arise
When you meditate, do not try to have good thoughts, do not try to keep away bad thoughts, do not try to stop thoughts, and do not try to...
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Unclear intention
Gypsy Gossip and Other Advice If your intention is not clear, if you aren’t really weary of samsara, then going on retreat is just...
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Many modern people who practice spirituality in a nontraditional or more secular fashion might not think about visiting a shrine or holy...
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When There Is True Understanding Of The Dharma
“The key point is: once you have listened with understanding and follow through to purify your contamination, thus you are able to calm...
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Zen and the Art of Living Deeply
Cultivating a Beginner's Mind With traditional arts in Asia much emphasis is put on long-term practice and effort, so as to reach...
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Acceptance of what we have
Young people think their lives will last a long time; old people think life will end soon. But we can’t assume these things. Our life...
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Mindfulness of Mind
Mindfulness is a Buddhist practice embraced by many psychologists and self-help "gurus." The practice has many beneficial psychological...
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